May 2011-May 2013

Kevin has been called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has been assigned to labor in the Brazil Londrina Mission for two years and will be teaching the gospel in the Portuguese language. Kevin will not be using the internet while serving as a missionary. This site will be updated by me, his mom, as I recieve his weekly email letters and pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Sharing Living Bread and Water

Crongrats to Micah! it´s weird to think that this stuff actually happens, you always think its waayyy in the future. to think that my mission will end in five more months is reeeaaalllly strange. 

Tell D to go on a mission. If he doesn’t he will regret it for eternity, and the people that he could have baptized will suffer in spiritual hunger so much longer.

The most saddening thing are the faithful of the great and abominable church, they just want more than anything to have a relationship with God and have the comfort of the Holy Ghost but they are completely blinded by false traditions that don’t and can't satiate the desire. 

It´s like watching a homeless person thrown in a ditch on the side of the street trying to suck on rocks to try to get some sort of nourishment as he slowly becomes thinner and sicker.

There is no greater feeling than to help that honest, good person out of the ditch and give him water to drink and bread to eat.  See the light in his eye when he learns that he has a loving Heavenly Father that hears and answers prayers.

There is also no worse feeling then when you stretch out your hand and try to pull the guy out of the ditch but he just doesn’t want to leave, and even calls you a liar or tries to shove his saliva-covered rock he´s been sucking on down your throat. In that case, you just got to give up and try to help the next one.

I love the Savior for having given me the truth, now I have to help others too.

Love you all,
-Elder Leete