May 2011-May 2013

Kevin has been called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has been assigned to labor in the Brazil Londrina Mission for two years and will be teaching the gospel in the Portuguese language. Kevin will not be using the internet while serving as a missionary. This site will be updated by me, his mom, as I recieve his weekly email letters and pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weird Hot Christmas Season

Mon 12/5/2011 5:19 AM
This gets weirder and weirder as we get into the Christmas season and it just gets hotter and hotter here. My face even finally got sunburned. We are going to buy a little fake Christmas tree so maybe that will help.

The work is going along great here, we are going to baptize the son of one of the members, we taught him about a month ago, but he didn’t want anything more, but this past week he prayed and received an answer and now wants to be baptized!!

Once again I don’t really have anything to write. . . I’m praying for you guys every day and hope you all get better soon.

I’ve got like a half hour left of my comp time so I’m gonna try to send some pictures that I’ve been hoarding

love you all,
-Elder leete

Mon 12/5/2011 5:46 AM
I made French Toast!

A hammock that a member gave me last week - it lasted about ten minutes

(From the mom -editor- this picture is too gross so I'm not posting it. Silly boys.)
A frog we found in the road!

Also on Natal (Christmas) I can skype you guys!!! So make sure that is all up and working. I can skype for only 40 minutes.

-Elder Leete