Hello family!
I´m doing great here in M, yesterday we found a
really cool family, it’s really just a couple, they were taught ten
years ago by the elders and were almost were baptized but some personal
problems came up in their lives so they stopped going to church, but they know it’s
true and always wanted to be members, they even talked to us about how they
wanted to build a house with a big old back yard so that they can have church activities
and invite people over for family home evenings.
I’ve been discovering in these last months about how really
every person has the same hole in their chest, the same emptiness that only the
restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gift of the Holy Ghost fills.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost really serves two purposes,
to comfort and perfect.
The Holy Ghost is a comforter because he 1) testifies
of the truth of things to comfort us to know we are on the right path and
2) makes us feel the love of God, whether it be when we repent to feel the
remission of sins or to feel literally comforted from the trials and
stains of the fallen world around us; to feel the loving arms of our
Heavenly Father.
The Holy Ghost purifies us because we want to feel this
comfort, so we strive to live the commandments to be able to. God doesn’t change
us by punishing us, he just gives us the chance to be comforted if we do
what he says and lets us choose for ourselves if that´s it what we
That is why Jesus said:
“Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be
baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy
Ghost” (3 Nephi 27:20).
It’s really just this, as we receive the Holy Ghost we are
purified and comforted, and as Preach My Gospel says:
Many of
these people are searching for purpose in life. They are concerned for their
families. They need the sense of
belonging that comes from the knowledge that they are children of God, members
of His eternal family. They want to feel secure in a world of changing values.
They want “peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” (D&C
59:23), but they are “kept from the truth because they know not where to find
it” (D&C 123:12).And I´m here to help them find it.
Love you all! Until next week!
-Elder Leete